Friday, October 2, 2009

Time to Hibernate

The koi are eating less and less each day.  That means that the water is getting colder and they are getting ready to hibernate below the ledge at the bottom of the pond.  One day soon when it gets very cold, they will disappear and we won't see them again until spring.

Koi in the pond

Our next backyard project will be to cut down the water plants and put a net over the pond to keep the leaves from clogging the filter system.  The water pump will run all winter and a crust of ice will form over the top of the pond, but the water will continue to circulate below the ice while the koi sleep away the winter.

Pond plants

I put away all the garden hoses today.  Then I cut a variety of flowers from the garden areas - yellow flowers only - and put them in couple of vases to make a fall floral arrangements for the house.  

Yellow flowers

 More yellow flowers

I finally got my 2.8 Ghz Intel Mac back from the UNL computer hospital. Yay!  My friend, Theresa, loaded all the software and backup files from my old computer, so it was all ready to go. I spent the afternoon playing with the new iPhoto 09 application.  It has a built in GPS function, so you can create a map of the world with pins in all of the locations where you took photos.  My camera does not have a GPS, so I have to manually add the locations, but it's fun to look at the map showing all the places I have been from Hawaii to the Czech Republic.  (I didn't label all of my photos, just a few to test the application.)  iPhoto 09 also has some really cool slide show options and a face recognition device.  You can choose a photo of a person and mark it for identification, and then the computer will find all of the photos of that person in your library.  I'm sure there is more, but that much kept me amused for most of the afternoon.

Dave has refrained from making any more changes to the drill, since the band will be competing in Clarinda, Iowa tomorrow.  He spent most of the afternoon in his shop building the doors for Angie's oak cabinet.

Tonight we are looking forward to a new episode of Medium.


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